Also, Rose's blog at McKay's official site. A Day in the Limelight: Rose tells Forever Rose from her own perspective.Subverted with Bill Casson and Eve, however, as Eve still loves him even though his heart seems to go yonder if he is away from her. Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Averted in the case of Caddy and Michael's relationship, as his heart belongs to her despite him leaving in book three and Caddy fully realising that it is only Michael leaves she truly loves at the end of Caddy Ever After.The Casson Family Series show examples of: With its delightful characters, beguiling writing, and enjoyable narratives, this series will continually draw readers back into the happily dysfunctional world of the Casson Family Series. The four main characters are the Casson siblings: The oldest girl Cadmium Gold (or Caddy for short), the second oldest girl Saffron (Saffy), the only boy Indigo, and the youngest girl Permanent Rose. Rose also has a blog at Hilary McKay's website, and it could be considered somewhat canon. There are 6 novels, beginning with Saffy's Angel in 2002. The books follow the lives of the four Casson siblings, the children of artists, all named for colours on the colour wheel that their mother Eve owns. A series of novels by British author Hilary McKay.